Events at iCamp Bangalore

The First Innovation Camp or iCamp Bangalore for short happened in Bangalore on 23rd Feb 2008 at Mindtree Consultings office at Banashankari. Here is how it unfurled to me.

09:30hrs := Registered and I am in

10:00hrs := I am in the room for intro of Barcamp Concept, given by Murali. Some rules etc. A lot less ppl compared to my expectations and NO WI-FI to connect to :-(

10:13hrs := Henry Jacob start with design driven development. Surely its true for IT Industry, Innovate or Die. (SCO, Sybase etc are examples of that) Some interesting concept for Design Foundation,  Games and Cube. Key points Innovate to hasten, eliminate jobs,  A god system should eliminate existing tasks, speed up tasks, save money, time and make ppl fall in love. Hot discussion on whats innovation and what design is on. I believe he was going on a good track and like many other presentations at Barcamp this too got lost somewhere.

10:40hrs := now we come to some conclusion. Basically it is clear that innovation is that idea and the design is the realization if it. Four elements of a good product, Innovation, Intelligence, Interaction and Information.

10:45hrs := Tea break. Met a lot of ppl here with a lot of ideas.

11:30hrs := Innovation in MBA in Education was the topic taken by Pavan Soni. MBA is killing Innovation? How to innovate. Step are here

  • understand symptoms
  • get an idea
  • nurture it
  • do it together
  • package it
  • aim for the right audience
  • make money
  • move up value chain.

Interesting indeed. Discussion follows it and William Miller talk about Applied Education which I feel is a good idea.

12:10hrs := Murli talks about starting a community for Creativity and Innovation. He has a yahoo group at to build a community around creativity and Innovation. Seems like an interesting idea.

12:20hrs := Unusual sources for innovation by Kalyan. It was interesting to know where all u can get inspirations to innovate. Its a presentation which say that most problems in this world can be solved by looking at other fields which apply a simple solution for a similar problem. I wonder how many times I have taken real life instances for understanding various networking concepts.

13:00hrs := Lunch with Venkatesh, Amit Pande and Mahesh. Had some interesting chat with these guys. Thought -- EMIs and Loans kill Innovation and startups.

14:15hrs := Shahanawaz Khan starts discussion on Managing Relationships!!! Now whats that. Well u have a lot of relations to maintain. Now how to do that. Sorry guys I just felt like moving somewhere else. So did not attend it for all the time. Anyways the other was about how to protect your idea. Well its simple. You have a great idea, but an Idea without execution is as good as a mud used to make pots. Obviously I too believe that its best to do away with unimplemented ideas and patents. Then there was this interesting presentation from Raj taken from a book(Name anyone please). It was pretty interesting.

15:00hrs := Spirituality in innovation. Mr William Miller posed a question, are you humanitarian or are u a techie. There is no spirituallity in innovation. You do it for yourself. Opinion, Spiritual Techie? well the general consensus was that you need to be a humanitarian professional.

16:00hrs := It was  time for Knowledge Cafe. Mr Raj Dutta from Mindtree explained that this is a place where we all sit in small groups and discuss at topic. The topic for the day was "Does Process hamper creativity". Keyword was creativity. We all chatted while we had coffee, samosa and jalebis. It was an amazing time. End result, I was reinforced of the fact that For creativity, process will hamper you. But to repeat a success u need a good process. As processes are subjective, they are best applied with a good doze of common sense. Cool ideas from everyone.

17:00hrs := I leave for home and take some rest for all that thinking made me tired.

Overall an awesome event organized by support from Mindtree and hard work from Prakash. Congrats and thank to them for this wonderful event.

If any of you have the ppts from iCamp online, please give a link via comments.


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