The privilege of a society

The year is 2080. Oxygen in this world is  becoming precious as always. All cities have special zones where this oxygen is generated. Space crunch has set in. Living in the dorm is a norm now with 60% of the population living there. War had devastated all the cities. No building was left. Most of the greenery and the oxygen was burnt up. People survive in dorms in cities. Very few people survive out of this area. Smoking is looked at with great displeasure by most, so is burning fire. Microwave is used for all purposes. ATG Corp last week released a prototype of houses where dorms were replaced by single room flats. They also introduced new water purifiers which were really low cost and removed radiation etc from water. Most of the junta was happy. They finally could get away from a dorm into a flat and have as much water as they wanted. But this has made a lot of activists unhappy. CNN IBN interviewed Mr SDF in his posh bungalow kept warm by the burning the tree leaves and branches he owns. He is a government servant and is entitled all these privileges. He talked at length why this service from ATG Corp should be banned. It was clear that if more and more people are able to afford a place in the city, oxygen level will hit a new low. Obviously the government cannot grow trees anymore as water too is costly after the purification that it goes through to make it radiation free. He said that he was planning to introduce a ban on the number of such houses as well as number of people in an area. He said people must live in the dorm with water they are supplied with. The shower in his house looked awesome when is showered water on all the plants and washed his dog clean.


PS: I am not sure if you are able to relate to the story to today.


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