Blog - a - lorean

Blog - a - loreans or the Bangalore Bloggers for short. Well thanks to Thejesh that I came to know about it. I thought lets go and give it a try. Lets meet the co-bloggers in Bangalore. Well it was a pleasant surprise to me that so many people. I was expecting some typical geeks to turn up. May be 10 or 15 to the max. But a pleasant surprise to see so many not techies also up there. Just to sum up things there were a couple of things that I was really enthusiastic about after the meet.

First the "Web NGO" concept given by Hari. It sounds like a impressive name, but then what do we do. Well best thing is that we can spread the word. More than anything else whats required is information. Blogging in definitely a way to do it. Waiting for more inputs at BCB4

Second was the fact that we decided some of the topics for BCB4. Well more important of the things being "With great power come greater responsibilities" - Thats what is responsible blogging and Tim O'Reillys Blogging code of conduct with the current Indian IT Laws. Next big one is the fight of the century, the Current Media Vs the Emerging Media(read Blogs) and finally tools for the unleashing the blogging phenomenon on the net.

Third was the cool idea of starting a domain with . Well with 5 admins to be there I know I have already lost the race for that :-(

The best part of this meet was it showed the diversity and cosmopolitan culture of Bangalore. It had people from almost all parts of India and not to forget our co-bloggers from Germany. Hope to see all those faces again in BCB4.

More Blogs here on it are here
Jayant - Bangalore Blogger’s Meet - BrewHaHa
Prashanth - Bangalore Bloggers Meet: We Met up!
AJ - Bangalore Blogger’s Meet
Neha - Bangalore Blogger’s Meet
Mutiny - Blog’a’loreans’ (Bangalore Bloggers’) Meet - 21st Jul 07
Adheeth - Bangalore Bloggers Meet - Blog’a’loreans
Himanshu - Blog’a'loreans
Thejes - Meet Bangalore Blogger at BCB4


Anonymous said…
Don't worry.. You can be a contributor. That is much more fruitful and contributing :)
100rabh™ said…
Thats sure is...Count me in for that :-)
Cipson said…
Check out the BBBBBBB and the odd message photo in my blog
Bikram said…
Check my take on it with some good snap effects on my blog posts here and here. Lemme know if u like 'em. :)

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