So finally I get a phishing mail from Income Tax Dept :-)

This particular phishing mail was very interesting. It claimed that I got a refund from Income Tax Department. That too of Rs 820.50. Here is the complete mail for you.

Dear Income Tax Department of India customer,

After the last annual calculation of your fiscal activity we have determined that you are going to receive a tax refund of $820.50 Rupees.
Please submit the tax refund form and allow 3-5 days in order to approve it.
A refund can be delayed for a variety of reasons.For example submitting invalid records or sending the form after the deadline.
To complete the form , please Click Here.

For security reasons your ip may be recorded..
Thank you,
Income Tax Department of India Online Department.

I love the fact that they are ignorant about me being a customer of Income tax department. I think I am more appropriately a victim of IT Dept.

But I was more in shock for the whether I am going to get $820.50 or Rs 820.50. I would have had been so very happy to get $820.50, But then I thought may be its a simple typo of some government babu. But alas, it was some stupid crook who is not smart enough to know English all that well or the ways of Babus.

Another reason was the ingenious use of . These smarties have used service to give the phishing URL. I guess its the best use of before it dies its natural death.

The forth thing that caught my eye was the Note. Not the note as in money but note as in notice. “For security reasons your IP may be recorded”. Dude, you could also tell that for security reasons you are taking over all my money, or wait does IP mean, Indian paise ??

I noticed this because Gmail filters did not detect it. Anyways it was interesting to read. Any please friends, dont believe in any of these unsolicited mails. 99% of the time, they are from crooks.


Anonymous said…
Love their note
For security reasons your ip may be recorded..
Thank you,

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