
Showing posts from July, 2024

[28th July 2024] Interesting Things I Learnt This Week

Courtsey: 1. ISRO conducts flight experiment of Air Breathing Propulsion System : ISRO successfully conducted its second flight test for air-breathing propulsion technology. The experiment involved mounting the propulsion system on an RH-560 sounding rocket, India's heaviest in this category. Launched from Sriharikota, the test aimed to demonstrate the technology's functionality at hypersonic speeds. Prior to the mission, extensive ground tests were carried out to ensure proper performance. This successful flight, along with data collected from over 110 parameters, paves the way for further development of air-breathing engines by ISRO.  My Take: ISRO's accomplishments are undeniably impressive. Their ability to achieve significant milestones with relatively modest budgets compared to agencies like NASA is a testament to their efficiency and innovative approach. It's encouraging to see that ISRO has managed to operate largely free from political

[21st July 2024] Interesting Things I Learnt This Week

Artists impression of Secure IoT, source 1. Technical Preview of Mindgrove Tech "Secure IoT" SoC : SIoT is probably the world’s first 64 bit microcontroller, clocked at 700 MHz. Shree Kumar has given a very detailed review of this. He gets into the details of how this is an awesome project but also highlights the problems with its current version. My Take: I am really excited that Mindgrove Tech is venturing and building this kind of SoCs in India. Qualcomm, Intel, TI, ST Micro, all have had their development centers in India. I believe we have enough folks who have the expertise to develop top notch SoCs and making a mark in the world. But people would often read the post and think that this project is not perfect. But I dont disagree with them and the first version of any project is not perfect, neither is the second. But only with enough perseverance can impactful products be made. I hope Mindgrove Tech learns from this to improve

[14th July 2024] Interesting Things I Learnt This Week

1. Self-hosting your location history with OwnTracks : OwnTracks is an open-source alternative to Google Maps Timeline, allowing users to privately track and store their location history. Many are dissatisfied with Google's upcoming changes to location history storage and seek a replacement. OwnTracks involves a server-side component to store location data and mobile apps to report location. The author details a setup using Docker, Caddy, and Tailscale for a private, self-hosted solution. While the initial setup is complex, the author finds OwnTracks promising, with potential for improvement in the mobile app's user experience and the web app's features. My Take: OwnTracks is an interesting alternative. I have not tried it yet, the only thing I am scared of is hosting something which is accessible on the internet.  Source: Florida Museum 2. Sea level rise claims first victim, tree cactus goes extinct : Rising sea levels, linked to climate change, are believed to have cl

[7th July 2024] Interesting Things I Learnt This Week

Image credit: Google Arts & Culture  1. World's oldest cave art found showing humans and pig : Scientists in Indonesia and Australia discovered the oldest figurative cave art in Indonesia. The painting, located on Sulawesi island, depicts a wild pig and human-like figures and is estimated to be 51,200 years old. This pushes back the date for when modern humans were believed to have creative thought. The discovery suggests that storytelling was a bigger part of early human culture than previously thought. Researchers believe this finding may lead to reevaluation of other cave art sites around the world. My Take:   Humans have probably been telling stories for much longer than 51,200 years, but as words do not fossilise we can only go by indirect proxies like depictions of scenes in art – and the Sulawesi art is now the oldest such evidence by far that is known to archaeology The above is what is the most amazing part of the whole article. There is so much more to learn about th

[30th June 2024] Interesting Things I Learnt This Week

   1. Chimps use more plant medicines than any other animal : A new study suggests chimpanzees might be the animal kingdom's top self-medicators. Researchers observed chimps in Uganda seemingly choosing plants with medicinal properties to treat illnesses and injuries. The chimps even ate plants outside their usual diet when sick. Interestingly, 11 out of the 13 plants identified by the researchers are already used in traditional local medicines. While the study can't definitively prove the chimps' motivations, it offers compelling evidence for their self-medication skills. This discovery could not only benefit chimp conservation but also lead to new drug development for humans. My Take: Animals' intelligence is likely underestimated. Their evolution may have led to different forms of smarts. While using them to discover new drugs is a fascinating idea, it's important to consider the limitations – what works for chimps might not translate to humans. However, veterin